
Showing posts from July, 2023

Elizabeth Taylor style African Queen - for those of us awaiting African Queen

  We know how hard it is to wait. Thus, for the impatient, here is a quick treatment, starring Elizabeth Taylor as African Queen in a little tribute skit. Elizabeth Taylor as African Queen (Actually, someone impersonating Elizabeth Taylor starring in a remake of "African Queen") Elizabeth Taylor moves about in high society. She has Bibles. She has a Bible instructor. She dances the Bible. She sings the Bible. She memorizes passages from the Bible. The Elizabeth Taylor character becomes a church secretary. Her parish is a fine party. There is coffee hour every Wednesday. The cakes and the coffee and the tea is perfect. Her parish is a social event. Everyone who is anyone goes to that church. It has valet parking and white glove service. Treatment - Musical for African Queen  Elizabeth Taylor goes to Brooklyn where everyone is black. Thus, she also becomes black, as being black is so "in". She deigns to preside over social hour at a church coffee hour in the best, up...

Sea of Grass starring Katharine Hepburn

Sea of Grass imdb listing

Undercurrent starring Katharine Hepburn

Undercurrent spawned a lot of movies, a whole genre of post WW-II films based on its paradigm. Undercurrent imdb listing and trailer Everyone who is bored with seeing Psycho over and over again should see this one. It's very important to use black-face these days. Skin paint and war paint are so so important for old people. Nobody looks decent without goo all over the place. The Bible! The Queen of Sheba visits Solomon

Without Love starring Katharine Hepburn

  imdb listing Without Love

Dragon Seed starring Katharine Hepburn

  imdb listing Dragon Seed Dragon Seed trailer

Stage Door Canteen starring Katharine Hepburn

  Stage Door Canteen imdb listing

Keeper of the Flame starring Katharine Hepburn

  Keeper of the Flame imdb listing

Woman of the Year starring Katharine Hepburn

Woman of the Year imdb listing  

The Philadelphia Story starring Katharine Hepburn

  The Philadelphia Story imdb listing Katharine Hepburn and her husband Ludlow George Smith lived in Philadelphia, probably happily, until Black Friday when the Great Depression happened and changed their lives forever.

Holiday starring Katharine Hepburn


Bringing Up Baby starring Katharine Hepburn

  Bringing Up Baby

Stage Door starring Katharine Hepburn

Stage Door  

Quality Street starring Katharine Hepburn

 Quality Street

A Woman Rebels starring Katharine Hepburn

  imdb listing A Woman Rebels

Mary of Scotland starring Katharine Hepburn

  imdb listing Mary Queen of Scotland No pay as of yet. It's Sunday, they can perform it themselves. AJ Lee stars as Mary Queen of Scotland - again? Um, we'll figure this one out eventually. Viewing the raw footage of that is mortifying.

Sylvia Scarlett starring Katharine Hepburn


Alice Adams - starring Katharine Hepburn


Break of Hearts starring Katharine Hepburn


The Little Minister starring Katharine Hepburn


Spitfire - Katharine Hepburn


Little Women starring Katharine Hepburn as Jo

Little Women imdb listing Les Précieuses Ridicules by Charles Moliere 1695  of course, this book only has a few similarities to Little Women. It is a one-act play that is delightful to read as well as to watch, in my opinion. Now, you understand why the French-language version of Little Women  is called Quatre filles du docteur March . Of course this book has been written in 50 languages, Little Women , indeed. In Spanish, the translation of this Louisa May Alcott book is called Mujercitas , and the film based upon this novel is also of the same title. Not much of a start, Little Women , where Katharine Hepburn played Jo. Kathryn knows all about it already. I am certain she's acted in it, she's podcasted about it, she and all her friends have already done it - know all about it. It's based on a famous novel by Louisa May Alcott. The Waiting Room Katharine Hepburn Garden   Description NYC Parks contains viburnum as well as other flowers Such that Katharine Hepburn's apa...

Morning Glory - Katharine Hepburn

The movie poster for Morning Glory is amazing. This is an incredible poster. The role that Katharine Hepburn plays must be an incredible one. The art on this is so noir, the colors, so brash, so brazen, so bright - so, American. Wikimedia listing It's an interesting script. I'm still looking through it. Okay, let's do the chop-chop treatment, given that I am still reading it and my time is up. The young, dear, sweet Eva Lovelace travels into indecent society in New York, in order to keep up appearances and support her family. Wikipedia article about Morning Glory Wikidata Morning Glory It's Monday, today's treatment is a new, updated version of Morning Glory. Ada Lovelace or Eva Lovelace or Madame L'amour and her best friend of the moment, Gwen Hall, have travelled to New York from Connecticut via Westchester County to visit RHH, a distant relative, who has connection...

Christopher Strong - starring Katharine Hepburn as Lady Cynthia Darrington

Image Christian didactics The problem with this one being that I self-identify with Christopher Strong's wife, as does our in-house talent, the actress, the understudy to Katharine. We tried to make her feel better about it, however, that was a disaster, which left our precious entertainer without a full clothing and garment closet here - all she has are the better sporty autumn clothes here, no garments. Her closet is in Old Saybrook, and it is summer, and she is hot, I am not. She has lots of culottes and corsets and camisoles and hose and leggings and trikinis and bikinis and miniskirts and pencil skirts and peter pan collar blouses there. I just need a little time to look this over. Kathryn, Katerina, Kathleen dancing with Jackie Chan and Owen Wilson in Massachusetts in pilgrim outfits for Thanksgiving while Johnny Depp sings on stage with Charlies Angels just does not cover this. She can study Christopher Strong on her own, if sh...

More Skittles and a Science Fiction Ending in 2039 or maybe a backstory in Act One

Act Three A Bill of Divorcement Woe unto you hypocrites and Pharisees Jesus Christ Superstar 2020 Life has changed a lot since the 1930s here. Technology is different, outfits are different, attitudes are different, thank you has changed to "no problem". The cast has arrived for Cocker Spaniel-zilla, one of the many pets of our Godzilla. Regrettably, this is the wrong set, they've accidentally arrived at the Katharine Hepburn tribute. Japanese people running from what? We could do the opening scene of dozens of women outside Buckingham Palace, mopping the sidewalks while hundreds of troops in Beefeaters aim dysfunctional firehoses at the sidewalks in order to mist clean their uniforms, stay cool, and clean the sidewalks. We could have a hologram of the real Katharine Hepburn in the role of Lady Cynthia Darrington in the real Christopher Strong for about five minutes.\Rational people like me just don't spit out scripts like bread slicers slice bread.

A Bill of Divorcement - Katharine Hepburn's First Film - done crazy late nite TV style

Katharine Hepburn and Hilary Fairfield star in A Bill of Divorcement. We'll rewrite this as a backstory to African Queen, someday, perhaps. Poster "A Bill of Divorcement" Act One The Hilary Fairfield character becomes a devout Christian. Book of Common Prayer He collects lots of Bibles, reads a lot of books from Africa and the Middle East. Common Weekday Latin Liturgy University of Illinois is the Gothic Bible Gothic Internet Greek Orthodox New Testament Divine Liturgy St John Chrysostom English and Slavonic Thousands of Bible study videos The Roman Missal Internet Archive Bible Old Testament Urdu Word Project Index to Bible in Czechoslovakian Book of Jude in a language of the Phillipine Islands Index Bible Study Manuals (This is just a modernized shelf of a few suggestions - used book stores sell lots of old Bibles Even a curbside alert Scot like myself who is trying to retire from being curbside alert could infrequently afford a few new odd New Testaments. E...