Elizabeth Taylor style African Queen - for those of us awaiting African Queen
We know how hard it is to wait. Thus, for the impatient, here is a quick treatment, starring Elizabeth Taylor as African Queen in a little tribute skit. Elizabeth Taylor as African Queen (Actually, someone impersonating Elizabeth Taylor starring in a remake of "African Queen") Elizabeth Taylor moves about in high society. She has Bibles. She has a Bible instructor. She dances the Bible. She sings the Bible. She memorizes passages from the Bible. The Elizabeth Taylor character becomes a church secretary. Her parish is a fine party. There is coffee hour every Wednesday. The cakes and the coffee and the tea is perfect. Her parish is a social event. Everyone who is anyone goes to that church. It has valet parking and white glove service. Treatment - Musical for African Queen Elizabeth Taylor goes to Brooklyn where everyone is black. Thus, she also becomes black, as being black is so "in". She deigns to preside over social hour at a church coffee hour in the best, up...